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How to Help Teething Babies

gmsadmin • Jan 31, 2017
baby  chewing on baby toy, how to help teething babies blog

Helping Teething Babies

Imagine having a sharp object protrude from your gums without any numbing agent or pain killer. That’s how your baby feels when he or she starts teething. Once your child’s teeth start coming in, you will need some ways to help him or her through it.

How do I know when my baby starts teething?

Once your child reaches about six months old, he or she will start developing their first teeth. Usually, the bottom two front teeth will appear first, followed by the top two front teeth. Some tell-tale signs of teething are drooling, tender gums, and irritability. Your baby will also probably attempt to chew on solid objects to ease their pain.

How do I help my teething baby?

No parent wants to see their baby in pain, so these are some ways to help their discomfort.

  1. Rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger or gauze pad to applying pain-relieving pressure.
  2. Let your baby bite on a cool teething ring or washcloth. (Do not give babies a frozen ring as that can cause their gums harm.)
  3. Wipe your baby’s drool away so his or her lips and skin don’t get chapped.
  4. If you baby is still in pain, consider an over the counter medication. Make sure to avoid medications that contain benzocaine, as this ingredient can cause a rare but serious disease that lowers oxygen in the blood.

How do I care for my baby’s new teeth?

Now that your child has teeth, it is important to care for them properly. Brush your child’s teeth with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste no bigger than a grain of rice. It’s also time to schedule your child’s first dental appointment. Your child should see a dentist after his or her first tooth appears and no later than his or her first birthday.

Ron Murphy Dentistry takes a gentle approach to caring for your child’s teeth to ensure that he or she has a positive first experience. Our Batavia office offers comprehensive dental care in a warm and caring environment. To schedule a dental appointment for your child, call us at 630-879-7642.

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