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Why is My Dentist Calling Out Numbers?

gmsadmin • Feb 01, 2017
patient dental check-up, why is my dentist calling out numbers blog

Periodontal Chart Numbers

Picture this: you’re sitting in the dental chair, while your dentist pokes at your teeth, calling out random numbers to your hygienist that make zero sense in your mind. Well wouldn’t you know, those numbers aren’t random at all – they’re periodontal chart numbers!

What is a periodontal chart?

A periodontal chart is a graphing chart used to measure the health of your teeth and gums. At every visit, your dentist or dental hygienist will use a special instrument to measure the area (in millimeters) between your gum and tooth. This chart allows your dentist to have your dental health information in one place for future reference and shows your dental health progress.

What do periodontal numbers mean?

The periodontal chart numbers range from one to six and are broken into three sets that measure the level of your dental health.

  • The 1-3mm range signifies that your teeth and gums are in in good general health. As long as you practice good dental habits, such as brushing and flossing every day, you will most likely fall into this range.
  • The 4mm mark should be considered a warning. While having a few fours isn’t too much of an issue, having multiple can be. A 4mm measurement can be a sign of inflammation if it has been awhile since your last cleaning, but it can also signal the beginning of bone loss or periodontal disease.
  • The 5-6mm range is a bad sign. This kind of inflammation could be a sign of gum disease, gum loss, or even a cracked tooth. If you measure as a five or six, your dentist will likely recommend a deep cleaning to remove any buildup between your gums and teeth. In severe cases, he or she may suggest surgery.

If you want to be measuring in the 1-3mm range (and you should want to), it is important to practice good dental habits. Make sure to brush and floss twice a day, every day, and make regular appointments to visit your dentist.
Ron Murphy Dentistry is committed to keeping your teeth and gums healthy through specialized dental care. We serve those in Batavia, Geneva, St. Charles, & North Aurora, IL. To schedule an appointment at our office, call us at 630-879-7642.

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