Blog Post

Types of Cavity Fillings

gmsadmin • Apr 19, 2017
woman smiling at the dentist, types of cavity fillings blog

Cavity Fillings

More often than not, people avoid getting their cavities filled because they don’t want to have black caps on their teeth. Contrary to popular belief, getting your cavities filled doesn’t mean you end up with black spots that show every time you open your mouth. Today, there are a bunch of different cavity fillings that can be used on your teeth.

What Types of Cavity Fillings are Available?

Your dentist can use a variety of different materials to fill your teeth including gold, porcelain, silver amalgam, and composite. The type of filling you get will depend on the severity of your tooth decay, your dentist’s recommendation, the cost of the material, and your insurance coverage.

What is the Difference Between Cavity Fillings?

Each filling has its pros and cons, so it’s important to speak with your dentist about which material is best for you.

  • Cast Gold is very durable, often lasting 15 years or longer, and is able to withstand chewing forces very well. However, it’s expensive and requires at least two visits to your dentist to place.
  • Silver filling s are similar to gold fillings in that they are durable and are strong enough to handle heavy chewing. But they also require healthy parts of your tooth to be filed down to make room for the amalgam filling and do not match the color of your teeth.
  • Tooth-colored composites best match the natural color of your teeth and also provide a better support bond, since they chemically attach to your tooth. The downside to these cavity fillings is that they aren’t as durable as other options and can potentially chip depending on where they are located in your mouth.

The best cavity filling will come from the best dentist. At Ronald Murphy Dentistry , we offer gentle, personalized dental care for our patients in Batavia and the surrounding areas. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 630-879-7642.

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