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Benefits of Invisalign

gmsadmin • Apr 14, 2017
close up of invisalign been used, benefits of invisalign blog

InvisalignⓇ in Batavia Illinois

Crooked teeth aren’t just unsightly — they can diminish your oral health. Misaligned teeth can’t be fully cleaned, so they can cause you to develop periodontal disease. From there, you can experience gum and bone damage, all because of a few crooked teeth. While you can fix them with traditional braces, InvisalignⓇ offers many benefits as a better way to straighten your teeth.


Metal braces are sometimes seen as bulky and unattractive, since they include so many brackets and can easily get food caught in them. This is a big concern for adults who often are too embarrassed to wear metal braces. InvisalignⓇ clear braces make it look as if you’re not even wearing them, so they’re considered more attractive than traditional braces.


Once in place, metal braces aren’t able to be removed until an orthodontist professionally takes them off. With InvisalignⓇ braces, if you want to take them off for any reason, you can easily do so. Just remember to put them back on afterward.


Metal braces come with sharp wires and brackets that run the risk of poking or scratching your gums or lip. InvisalignⓇ is smooth and doesn’t have any sharp edges that could hurt you. Plus, metal braces use a lot of force to straightens your teeth, while InvisalignⓇ doesn’t, reducing the damage to your teeth.

Duration of Treatment

When you wear metal braces, you could be waiting up to five years for your teeth to be perfectly straight. InvisalignⓇ straightens your teeth in less than a year and a half. That’s a lot less waiting for a nice smile.

InvisalignⓇ may cost slightly more than traditional metal braces, but with all their perks, they’re worth the extra dollars. All that’s left to do now is head over to a dentist and start straightening out those teeth! Ronald Murphy Dentistry is your best choice for gentle, personalized dental care in Batavia and the surrounding areas. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 630-879-7642.

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