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Sensitive Teeth: Causes and Solutions

Ronald A. Murphy, DMD • Jul 16, 2018

Millions of people struggle with sensitive teeth, at least for a certain period of time. But what causes tooth sensitivity?

sensitive teeth

Dealing with tooth sensitivity can be uncomfortable and annoying. Not only does it make eating hot and cold foods difficult, but it can also lead to some bigger problems down the road.

But what causes sensitive? Is there anything you can do about it?

Read on for everything you need to know about what causes tooth sensitivity and how you can prevent it.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a result of the exposure of a tooth's dentin. Dentin is a tissue present at the core of the teeth.

Exposing this tissue can be a result of damaging the tooth's protective enamel or damage to the gum tissue. While these are the primary causes of sensitive teeth, there are many ways that it could happen, including:

Receding Gums

One of the primary causes of tooth sensitivity is receding gums. When the gum tissue gets peeled back, it can expose the dentin to the outside. As a result, your teeth end up being more sensitive to hot and cold stimulants.

While there are preventative measures you can take, sometimes there's not much you can really do. Gum recession typically happens with age, and other times, it's a result of genetics.

However, you can avoid early gum recession by taking care of the tissue that's protecting your dentin. Not only does this include flossing , but it also means brushing your gums correctly.

Brushing Too Hard

One of the primary causes of tooth sensitivity is brushing too hard.

This happens unconsciously while people are brushing their teeth. As a result, you may accidentally be scraping away some of the protective enamel on your teeth or the gum tissues protecting their roots.

Brushing too hard can cause a lot of damage to your teeth over time, especially if your bristles are too rough. Changing how you brush your teeth will ensure that your smile stays clean and strong.

Acidic Foods/Liquids

Another contributing factor to tooth sensitivity is acidic foods and liquids. What you eat and drink can cause some major damage to your tooth enamel.

Substances that are high in sugar can eat away at the protective enamel on your teeth. While sugar-free substitutes may help slightly, these products are still very acidic.

While there may be a lot of different causes of tooth sensitivity, there also a lot of ways to prevent it. Understanding how to treat sensitive teeth can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

How Can I Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

Now that you have a better understanding of what causes sensitive teeth, you're much more capable of preventing it. But where should you start?

There are many different steps you can take to prevent tooth sensitivity. Making these changes may be difficult at the start but they may provide you with the relief you need.

Some of the actions you can take to prevent sensitive teeth include:

Switching Toothbrush and Toothpaste

A great place to start with treating tooth sensitivity is switching what kind of toothbrush and toothpaste you use.

Using a brush with a softer bristle can keep you from damaging your enamel and gums. In addition to that, switching to a desensitizing toothpaste can help treat the damage that's been done.

There are products available that are made for those with sensitive teeth. While they may not solve all of your problems, they can definitely help keep things from getting worse.

Desensitizing Gel

Desensitizing gels are another option when learning how to treat sensitive teeth. These gels can be applied directly to problem spots to help deal with discomfort.

These sodium fluoride gels can help strengthen your teeth. They can make your teeth more resistant to acidic substances and even fight off harmful bacteria.

Applying a desensitizing gel to your teeth can help repair some of the damage that's been done, as well as prevent problems in the future.

Brushing Softer

Another solution to handling sensitive teeth is changing how you brush. Altering how you brush your teeth can make a huge difference, especially if you're brushing too hard.

Being more conscious of what you're doing while brushing is important. Lightening your grip and taking your time can help prevent further damage to your gums and tooth enamel.

In addition to brushing softer, revising your brushing technique may also help. Understanding the proper brushing technique can ensure that you're covering all the necessary areas.

Making sure you're brushing your teeth correctly will help make sure that your teeth are cleaned correctly. By brushing with the right form and with a gentle hand, you'll minimize the risk of accidentally doing more harm than good.

Be Aware of What You Eat/Drink

Being more aware of the substances you put in your mouth can make a huge difference in the strength of your teeth. Avoiding foods and liquids that are high in sugar is an easy way to prevent further damage.

While you don't necessarily need to cut out unhealthy foods completely, make sure that you're cleaning your teeth after doing so. The best way to avoid sugar-related tooth sensitivity is to brush your teeth immediately after consuming any acidic substances.

In addition to being mindful of acidic foods and liquids, you should also avoid tobacco products. Chewing tobacco has been known to cause gum disease and other kinds of damage to your teeth, resulting in sensitivity and discomfort.

Dealing With Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can cause a lot of discomfort, and even pain. Taking the time to understand what causes tooth sensitivity can also help prevent it.

While there are a lot of different ways that you can avoid teeth sensitivity, there may be more to it than meets the eye. In this case, it may be wise to visit a dentist to see how they can help.

Contact us today to see how we can help you keep your smile happy and healthy.

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