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Get a Permanently Beautiful Smile with Dental Implants

Ruan • Jan 18, 2019

The innovative and scientific world around us has allowed the dental world to provide the very best in treatment options for any oral health issue. Better, more permanent options like dental implants can help to keep your smile beautiful and healthy for years to come. Read on to find out everything you need to know about the fascinating world of dental implants, and to help you learn how your dental team can help personalize your smile!

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants

A dental implant is used as a treatment to replace your natural tooth. It replaces the roots of a tooth, so an artificial, permanent tooth can be placed within it. Typically made of strong, durable metals like titanium, dental implantsare screwed directly into your jaw, where it provides a strong foundation for a replacement tooth or bridge. They can be used on one tooth or the entire mouth and can be used to treat a variety of problems related to tooth loss.

Who is Eligible for Dental Implants?

Implants are unlike many other dental treatment options because almost anyone fits the eligibility requirements, as long as there is tooth loss. Dental implants can be recommended for people over the age of 18 who are experiencing the loss of one or more teeth. Your dentist must first determine, however, that your jaw is healthy and strong enough to withstand the implant. If your jaw is not strong enough, or thick enough, your dentist may recommend against dental implants.

In addition, your dentist can only perform dental implant procedures on healthy mouths. Any issues or complications with your oral health must be dealt with and treated accordingly before dental implants are an option. Some people with diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions may be recommended against dental implants because of the associated risk.

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

There are many treatment options for treating decay and tooth loss. But dental implants offer a wide array of benefits, including the following:

  • A simple, easy procedure with little recovery time.
  • A durable, long-lasting root implant that fuses with your bone and is hard to break or damage.
  • Less pain and discomfort than you would experience with bridges or dentures.
  • Little-to-no everyday maintenance.
  • A completely natural look, feel, and function.
  • Less associated risk to your overall health, because implants don't require the treatment of any surrounding areas of the mouth.
  • The possibility to eat, chew, talk, and function without the discomfort, pain, or inconvenience of bridges, dentures, or other orthodontia.
  • A long lifespan, with average implants lasting decades.

Getting Your Dental Implants


Your dentist will first perform an exam and a variety of tests to determine if you would benefit from dental implants. If your dentist decides you would be a good candidate for dental implants, you'll need to ensure other required dental services are performed first, including the tooth extraction. Your dentist may also perform a few tests to determine the strength and condition of your jaw. Then, a customized plan will be created for you and you'll be ready for the first step.

What to Expect During the Procedure

When you come in for your dental implants, here's what you can expect:

  1. Before starting the procedure, your dentist will administer local anesthetics to the area. Typically, stronger anesthetics are not necessary, but sedatives can be provided for those with severe dental anxiety.
  2. Once your dentist is assured you are numb, he or she places the bolt-like dental implant into your jawline, where your missing tooth resides. It is placed directly where your tooth's roots once were, where it becomes a part of your mouth.
  3. When your implants have been placed inside your jawline, you'll need to wait to come back for your permanent teeth. The implant must attach to your jaw and roots as it heals and grows. It can take up to 6 months for your implant to fully fuse to the bone, which is when you'll be ready to have your artificial tooth placed into your implant.

Recovery and Aftercare

Unlike many types of treatments and procedures, there are not many complications or risks associated with receiving dental implants. When your dentist sends you home following your implant procedure, it is normal to experience some pain and discomfort for a few days. While you should take it easy the day of the procedure, most people can typically return to normal activities the following day. Your dental team will provide you with specific, personalized instructions for caring for your implants during recovery.

While getting your implants seems quick and easy, it is important to remember that you will need to wait in between receiving your implants and receiving your artificial teeth. Your artificial teeth can only be placed within the implants when they are securely and properly fused to the bone and roots. With some people, this may take as little as 3 months, while others may require up to 7 months. Your dentist will continue to perform regular exams and checkupsduring this time to ensure your implant is attaching properly.

The Financial Cost of Dental Implants

Like many other dental services and treatments, there are many factors that must be taken into consideration to estimate the financial cost of dental implants. Some factors that could affect the cost of your implants include dental insurance, benefit coverage, how many implants you need, the severity of the issue, and any treatments required before implants can be received. Taking all of these things into consideration, the financial burden of dental implants varies by patient and case. On average, the cost of one dental implantcan range from $3,000-$4,500, while an entire mouth of dental implants can range up to $60-$80,000.

Dr. Murphy and his team are dedicated to providing the very best in oral health care. From preventative care to cosmetic dentistry, our trusted staff can help you achieve the smile you deserve through every stage of your life. Contactour office today to schedule your appointment!

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