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A Healthy Mouth Supports Your Wellness Goals

ruan • Feb 08, 2019

We all know that good oral hygiene pays off in healthy teeth and gums, but you should know that the benefits go way beyond a sparkling smile. Not only will good oral hygiene help prevent cavities, it's also the best way to fight gum disease. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss, and also to a wide array of serious health problems. Fortunately, it's not difficult to keep your mouth clean and healthy with some basic home care and the help of regular cleanings. Here are the facts on why oral hygiene matters so much, and how you and your dentist can work together to protect your teeth and gums.


Oral Hygiene - Vital to Good Health

Gum Disease

Gum disease is the predictable result of poor oral hygiene. Plaque and tartar provide cozy hiding spaces for bacteria, which flourish in the moist, warm environment of the mouth. This bacteria then infect the gums, causing them to become red and sore. If the infection is not treated, it will get worse, causing serious problems. Here are the stages of gum disease:

  • Gingivitis - This is when the infection has just begun. Gums become inflamed, and they may bleed. The great news is that at this stage no permanent damage is done. Good home care and professional cleanings can usually reverse the process at this stage.
  • Periodontitis - Inflammation is worse at this point, and pockets form below the gumline. Toxins made by bacteria attack the soft tissues and bone. When gum disease has progressed this far, irreversible damage has been done to the bone and connective tissue that holds your teeth securely in your jaw. Excellent home care and professional dental care can usually stop the progression of periodontitis and prevent any more damage.
  • Advanced Periodontitis - Damage to the bone and connective tissue, caused by toxins that are produced by bacteria, is severe. Teeth become loose and may fall out or need to be removed. Aggressive care is required at this stage.

Gum Disease Can Lead to Other Health Problems

While the progression of gum disease is bad news for your teeth, it turns out that it can also have a negative impact on your overall health. Researchers have found that gum infections can spread bacteria to the bloodstream, causing systemic inflammation.Because of this inflammation, gum disease has been linked to many other serious diseases, including:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • diabetes
  • premature birth and low birth weight
  • pneumonia
  • kidney disease
  • cancer
  • Alzheimer's disease

Clearly, it's worth your while to take care of your teeth and gums. Fortunately, with the right home care and expert dental health professionals on your team, this is easier than you might think.

Home Care - 3 Simple Steps to a Healthy Mouth


This is the first line of defense, and it is the bare minimum you can do to protect your teeth. Brush twice a day, for two minutes each time, and use a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Even if you're pretty confident that you've got this step figured out, it's not a bad idea to review your techniqueto be sure you're getting the most benefit out of your tooth-brushing efforts.


Brushing twice a day is a good start, but flossing once a day will take you even further. For people with gingivitis, effective brushing can reduce bleeding from the gums by 35%. However, add flossing to that regimen, and the improvement almost doubles, to 67%. Toothbrush bristles simply can't reach between teeth, so you need floss to reach into those tight spaces to finish the job.


The right mouthwash can be very helpful for a healthy mouth. Rinsing your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash for about a minute just before bedtime will strengthen your teeth and help them recover from the assaults of the day. If you are battling gum disease, your dentist may recommend an antibacterial mouthwash to kill bacteria. Ask your dentist about what type of mouthwash is best for you.

Professional Dental Care

In the fight for a healthy mouth, your dentist is a powerful addition to your team. Regular cleanings are an important next step in protecting your oral health. Not only will dental cleaning remove plaque and tartar that you may have missed, but regular checkups are an opportunity for your dentist to catch any problems early, while they're more easily dealt with.

What to Expect

People sometimes feel nervous about going to the dentist. If that's the case, you may feel a little more at ease if you know exactly what to expect. Most regular dental cleanings will follow these steps:

  • The dental hygienistwill examine your mouth to check on the general health of your teeth and gums.
  • If X-rays are required, they are taken next.
  • The cleaning will begin, with the hygienist removing plaque and tartar. Although this involves scraping with sharp tools, it should not be painful.
  • The hygienist will polish your teeth with a high-powered electric brush. This leaves your teeth with that smooth finish that feels so good to run your tongue over.
  • Next, your teeth are flossed, which will help the hygienist spot any areas where your gums may bleed.
  • If needed, a fluoride treatment will be applied to your teeth.
  • The dentist will come in to examine your teeth, answer questions, and discuss any issues.

How Much Does it Cost?

If you have dental insurance, the cost for regular dental exams and cleaning is usually fully covered. If you do not have dental insurance, we offer financing options for any budget. Keep in mind that prevention is always less expensive than addressing a problem down the road.

Dr. Murphy and His Staff Are Here to Help

If you're looking for a team to help you keep your mouth healthy for years to come, Dr. Murphy and his excellent staff provide expert dental care in the Batavia, Illinois area. We have over 11 years of experience, and we offer services such as pediatric dentistry, dentures and dental bridges, dental veneers, and cosmetic dentistry as well as general dental care. To make an appointment or ask questions, please contact us.

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