Blog Post

Did You Hear That??? Yes, Those Are School Bells!!!

gmsadmin • Aug 19, 2016
children having fun, did you hear that... yes, those are school bells blog

School Time Once Again

Wow, this summer went by like a flash and it’s time for school once again. Now, as a parent, that means a lot of school supplies, new shoes and new backpacks to buy, but it also means a very important visit to our office.

Yes, your children should come into our child-friendly office for their checkups to ensure that their teeth and gums are healthy. We’ve got a state-of-the-art dental office to gently care for your child’s oral health and keep them smiling through their new school term.

Take a moment now to make an appointment and let us provide your child with an enjoyable dental experience! Call us right away at (630) 457-1322!

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