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Importance of Flossing

gmsadmin • Jan 20, 2017
close up of a woman flossing teeth, importance of flossing blog

The Top Reasons You Should Definitely be Flossing Twice a Day

You’ve probably been told to brush and floss at every dental visit you’ve had, but how often do you actually do it? Flossing has a big impact on how effectively you’re cleaning your teeth. These are the top reasons you should definitely be flossing twice a day.

  1. Just Brushing is Not as Effective with Flossing: Your toothbrush is designed to remove plaque from your teeth, while toothpaste boosts the efforts of your brush. Thing is, your toothbrush bristles can’t reach between your teeth or under your gums to properly clean them. Floss is specifically designed to remove plaque from the tight spaces in your mouth. The American Dental Association suggests flossing before you brush so your fluoride toothpaste can get to more spaces in your mouth and be more effective.
  2. Flossing Prevents Other Diseases: When you don’t floss, plaque buildup can lead to yellow teeth and bad breath. However, extensive research has shown that an unhealthy mouth can lead to more serious ailments like heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory illness. Flossing can prevent illness causing periodontal disease — disease of the teeth, gums, and mouth  — and improve your overall health.
  3. Flossing Prevents Tartar: How many of us seriously dislike the scraping dentists do during visits to remove tartar? Probably all of us. Tartar is the hard buildup of plaque along your gum line that can only be removed with professional tools. Flossing allows you to remove plaque while it is still soft and pliable and can keep buildup from happening in the first place.

Flossing only takes a few minutes a day to complete and is an inexpensive addition to brushing. This simple step in your dental routine can have a huge impact on your oral and overall health. Ron Murphy Dentistry is committed to helping patients improve the health of their mouths by instilling proper flossing and brushing habits.

Dr. Murphy and his team offer personalized, gentle care to make your dental experience enjoyable and comfortable. To schedule an appointment with our Batavia office, call us at 630-879-7642.

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