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Things Your Dentist Wishes You Knew

gmsadmin • Feb 28, 2017
friendly dentist with patient - things your dentist wishes you knew blog

Here are a Few Things Your Dentist Wants You to Know

Since you were a little kid, you’ve been told not to listen to rumors. So why do you still listen to ones about your dental office? There are a lot of misconceptions about the dentist’s office that we feel we should clear up because the dentist should be a place that makes you feel comfortable. These are a few things your dentist wishes you knew.

  1. Bleeding gums when brushing should worry you just as much as bleeding hands when washing would. If you notice that your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth, you may suffer from periodontal disease. Your dentist can help you develop better habits to avoid plaque buildup and have healthier gums.
  2. We don’t get why people refer to something difficult as, “pulling teeth.” Pulling teeth is actually pretty quick and painless since your dentist uses agents to numb the area. Try using the phrasing, “It’s like taking a calculus test.” That’s actually a difficult task.
  3. If you want to keep bad bacteria out of your mouth, get yourself some xylitol. That’s a fancy name for a sugar substitute used in chewing gum that changes the chemistry in your mouth. A couple of pieces of xylitol gum every day can help you stay cavity-free. Your dentist can give you even more tips to avoiding cavities.
  4. Please, please stop letting your baby fall asleep with a bottle. Baby bottle tooth decay is very real, and you’re only harming your child’s teeth when you let them sleep with a bottle. Swap the bottle for a goodnight kiss instead, and consult with your dentist about keeping your baby’s teeth healthy.
  5. Getting your teeth X-rayed doesn’t cause cancer. You actually get more radiation exposure from being outside for an hour than you do from a full set of dental X-rays. Many people don’t realize that more damage can be done by not taking the X-rays and missing a potential problem. Your dentist lays a lead apron over your when they take your X-rays so you are protected from any radiation.

Do you think there are other things that you’ve heard about the dentist’s office that may not be totally true? Well we can tell you one thing is is true – the caring team at Ron Murphy Dentistry provide every one of their patients with the highest-quality dental care available. If you need a trusted dentist in Batavia, Geneva, St. Charles, or North Aurora, IL, schedule an appointment with us by calling 630-879-7642.

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