Blog Post

What to do when you knock out a permanent tooth?

gmsadmin • Mar 04, 2016
hockey player - front tooth missing - steps to when you lose a tooth blog

Follow These Steps When You Lose a Permanent Tooth

Sometimes accidents happen. Fights, bumps, and sports injuries are the leading causes of permanent teeth being knocked out.

If you lose a permanent tooth, time is of the essence. 30 minutes is ideal but in some cases it can be pushed to an hour if proper care is taken. A tooth CAN be put back and return to normal function. Here is what you can do to save a lost tooth!

First: Don’t touch the root! Pick up the tooth by the crown and if it’s dirty, gently rinse in cool water.

Second: Put the tooth back into the socket if possible. The sooner the tooth is replaced, the greater its chance of survival.

Third: If you are unable to return the tooth to the socket, the best way to transport your tooth to the dentist is actually in your mouth, next to your cheek, or in milk. Do not wrap the tooth in tissue or paper; drying out the tooth and root is the worst thing you can do to it.

Fourth: Now get to a dentist! We will save that tooth if we can!

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